Request for Delegates

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our delegate system!

This is a step towards empowering our community and enhancing decentralized governance. As part of this initiative, we are looking for passionate and knowledgeable members to become delegates.

Delegation will be handled through Agora -

What are Delegates?
Delegates are trusted community members who will vote on proposals and decisions on behalf of token holders. This system allows those who may not have the time or expertise to participate in every vote to still have their voices heard through a trusted representative.

Why Become a Delegate?

  • Influence Decisions: Play a key role in shaping the future of the Protocol.
  • Community Leadership: Represent the interests of the community and ensure decisions are well-informed.
  • Recognition: Gain recognition and credibility within the ecosystem.

How to Become a Delegate

We invite you to express your interest by providing your profile in the comments below. Please include the following information:

  1. Your Experience: Share your background and any relevant expertise you bring to the table.
  2. Your Vision: Explain why you want to be a delegate and how you plan to contribute to the growth and success of
  3. Community Engagement: Highlight any past involvement with the community or other relevant projects.

Next Steps

  1. Express Interest: Post your profile in the comments section of this post.
  2. Build Trust: Engage with other community members, share your insights, and demonstrate your commitment to’s growth and values.
  3. Gain Support: The initial selection will be reviewed by a Proposer, and as governance evolves, this will be passed on to the decision-making of token holders.

We are excited to see the community step up and take an active role in our governance. Together, we can build a stronger, more decentralized ecosystem.


As a key figure at Triangle Solutions, I have consistently demonstrated my ability to drive innovative projects and foster community engagement. My experience as a contractor for, where I provide essential support and community services, coupled with my role in moderating the CIAN platform and Aave DAO (Avara Labs), has equipped me with a deep understanding of decentralized finance and governance. Through my work on various projects, including Alpha Music and the collaboration initiatives between teams and users, I have showcased my commitment to unity, collaboration, and effective project management. My vision for DeFi is rooted in transparency and inclusivity, and I am dedicated to ensuring that every community member’s voice is heard. With my proven track record and passion for blockchain innovation, I am confident in my ability to contribute significantly as a delegate and drive towards a prosperous and inclusive future.


Kairos Research is a crypto research firm focused primarily on restaking, as well as the broader staking economy and its influence across DeFi. Our team brings several years of crypto industry experience from Messari, CoinDesk, Stride (a liquid staking protocol), and across the Binance US research, staking, and growth teams. Additionally, one of our team members is personally an active governance delegate for Jito on Solana.

We have been active participants in DeFi across the Ethereum, Solana, and Cosmos ecosystems for over four years, and believe that this experience translates well into being effective governance delegates.

Throughout 2024, we have closely followed the restaking landscape on a day-to-day basis. We publish publicly available monthly reports on AVSs, the state of LRT liquidity and utilization, and protocol (token) value accrual. Our holistic viewpoint of the EigenLayer ecosystem, including etherfi’s partners and peers, positions us well to objectively understand the factors that position etherfi for long-term, sustainable success.

We are excited to use our publicly available, objective research to help provide data and narratives to the rest of the etherfi community, so that we can make well-educated and value-accretive decisions for the protocol. We will use our votes to try and best align ETHFI token holders, the etherfi protocol, EigenLayer, and the Ethereum ecosystem at large.


I am excited to apply for the role of a delegate within the etherFi Protocol. With a solid background in blockchain technology and decentralized finance (DeFi), I bring a wealth of experience that aligns with the goals and vision of etherFi.

I have worked as a Software engineer for the last 4-5 years bringing Blockchain Developer experience of about 2 years. Additionally, during my tenure as a Teaching Assistant at the Blockchain Lab at Arizona State University, I developed tools to automate grading and assess Ethereum smart contracts, enhancing the academic and practical understanding of blockchain applications.

With my experience and knowledge, my vision is to ensure that the protocol remains at the forefront of innovation while maintaining a strong focus on security and community-driven development and stay on top of the ecosystem which it currently is and should stay ahead in the game.

My involvement with blockchain and DeFi communities has been extensive and impactful. I have actively participated in various hackathons, including EthDenver, where I led projects integrating cross-chain incentives and advanced zk-SNARK technology. My engagement extends to presenting research at conferences, such as my paper on smart contract fuzzing for the web3sec conference.

As a delegate, I will continue to foster strong community engagement, ensuring that the voices of all members are heard and considered in the protocol’s development and governance.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to contribute to the growth and success of etherFi and to represent the community as we navigate the exciting future of decentralized finance.


Ive been an active discord member and am an early adopter member holding 2 nft’s ether fans. I am invested in the protocol and am very happy with the returns Ive received from having my ether on the platform be it non custodial. The season 1 airdrop well exceeded my expectations and am excited about season 2. When I am on discord I answer peoples questions that I have answers for and also try to keep things positive. A lot of anger is in the ether fan discord and I often try to mellow things out. I had a feedback session with Seezar prior to the airdrop and was great to interact directly with the crew. I am impressed with how hands on the crew is and would love to be more of an active member. Even Mike has replied to me emailed back in the ether fan auction days where rewards weren’t sent and he personally made the transaction for me which was great. Ive delegated and am looking forward to seeing some proposals to vote on.


As an investment banker, key influencer, and crypto enthusiast for the past 12 years. Have experience on multiple DEFI projects on Ethereum, BSC, Solana and Tron for the past 4 years. I have delegator experience on Venus protocol on BSC (DEFI project) and also a team advisor. As a delegate for EtherFI, I will ensure that all delegated community votes will utilized in the best interest of the EtherFI community and ecosystem. I will endeavor to support EtherFI and the community through community engagement and growth of the project by contributing throughout the delegation voting process, creating community forums to engage in user feedback/ideas, engaging with users in discord and providing support, and creating proposals to better the growth and success of EtherFI.


I have over 5 years in blockchain and DeFi, and my background is in community management.

I want to help grow by making sure decisions are transparent and inclusive. I aim to foster a strong, engaged community where everyone’s voice is heard and innovation thrives.

I’ve been active in the community since I’ve met the protocol, offering technical advice and feedback on proposals. I’ve also facilitated community meetups in Brasil.

I’m excited to engage more with the community and build the trust needed to serve as a delegate. Your support will be crucial as we work together to shape the future of this.

Thanks for considering my application. Let’s build a stronger together!

Alessandra Feliciano


As an individual in the crypto industry, I have been dedicated since 2018 to investing in cryptocurrencies such as BTC, ETH, and platforms akin to BNB, while actively participating in various airdrops, events, and activities within the crypto sphere. Moreover, I am also engaged in the development of DApps, utilization of oracle machines, and the operation of blockchain-based media outlets. I have joined endeavors similar to staking and voting activities in projects like ICP. My commitment lies in fostering a community that is geared towards altruism and platform prosperity, striving to establish a comprehensive operational mechanism for the ecosystem. This, in turn, ensures liquidity and fosters further growth of the community.


I’m Gajesh Naik, an Engineer and Developer Ecosystem at Eigen Labs. I have also invested in 20+ companies. I run an operator on EigenLayer, and I have about 200 ETH delegated to my operator. I’m also a delegate for Wormhole DAO. Previously, I worked at Solana Labs, Telegram Wallet, LayerZero, and FTX Ventures. I founded two companies, one of which had $7 million TVL at its peak, raised $1.3 million, and got acquired.

Now, why do I want to be part of governance? I want to participate in the growth of the EigenLayer ecosystem.


Following ether_fi from 2023 Denver ETH presentation, Love the way how is business set up and step by step organic integration go on. My experience with crypto begins 2017 via building mining rigs. Didn’t sell any of #ETH was earned those days. All of them restaked in ether_fi . Strongly believe in decentralization business model. My community experience starts from day one of my visiting ether_fi on ETH Denver and proudly continue with Ambassador of the project and discord "chad’'. Helping to others, and extremely looking forward to increase my own knowledge. I am a simple man,and want to represent all simple people who interesting in unbanking and #DeFi strategy. During my IRL , was able to create my own business and keep my position in corporate structures.


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GM all!

As a Chartered Accountant, I specialize in providing comprehensive financial reporting and operational services across a diverse range of Web3 protocols. I have worked with some of the largest liquid staking and restaking protocols, as well as layer 2 solutions and gaming protocols, which has equipped me with unique perspectives and experiences that I am eager to bring to the EtherFi ecosystem.

  1. Liquid Staking Protocols:
  • My experience with leading liquid (re)staking protocols has given me an understanding of their operational complexities and financial dynamics. I have helped these protocols optimize their financial structures, ensuring they maintain liquidity while providing attractive returns to stakers.
  1. Governance Involvement:
  • I have actively participated in the governance processes of notable platforms like Arbitrum L2 - I have seen first-hand the critical need for financial excellence and transparent governance within Web3 protocols. I am committed to driving these principles within EtherFi, with the goal of developing robust and sustainable financial operations.
  1. Operational Excellence:
  • By overseeing financial operations for various protocols, I have experience in identifying inefficiencies and implementing strategies that foster long-term value creation. My goal would be to leverage this expertise to contribute to a self-sustaining EtherFi ecosystem that benefits all participants.

I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to EtherFi’s growth and to help build a resilient financial infrastructure that supports its long-term vision and delivers lasting value to all stakeholders.

I’m maybeyonas, an on-chain analyst who believes in a data-driven approach to governance decisions. This is why I have personally built tools to track all the major restaking protocols, whether they are native like EigenLayer or Symbiotic, or liquid variants like EtherFi, Swell, Renzo, Kelp, and Puffer.

As someone who has been following the restaking ecosystem since the launch of EtherFi, I genuinely believe EtherFi is going to be the dominant force in liquid restaking.

With my ability to derive data-powered insights from open-sourced dashboards and my understanding of the intricacies of DeFi, I aim to generate unbiased opinions. My goal is to bring together ETHFi holders and protocol users to establish a resilient DAO that can weather all storms, while also leading innovations in the restaking ecosystem.

Hello Community,

I am thrilled to express my interest in becoming a delegate for the Etherfi protocol. Coming from a country where basic financial services are not accessible to all, I’m truly excited by the financial freedom that Etherfi brings. As a delegate, my goal is to make these services easy, safe, and transparent for all users. Here’s how I plan to contribute:

Why I’m the Right Person:

  • Commitment: Able to dedicate time to informed decision-making and strategic growth of the ecosystem.
  • Expertise: In-depth understanding of financial concepts and DeFi.
  • Transparency: Committed to transparent decision-making, ensuring proposals and grants are accessible and beneficial.
  • EigenLayer Knowledge: Strong grasp of EigenLayer’s workings and the benefits it offers.

Past Qualifications:

  • Governance Experience: Familiar with decentralized governance processes and tools such as Snapshot, Agora, and Discourse.
  • Active Forum Member: Active participation in thriving ecosystems like Optimism and Arbitrum, including attending office hours of delegates and grants councils. Deep understanding of the rubrics used by these ecosystems for distributing grants and the rationale behind them.
  • Contributor: Analyzed grant usage and misuses in various ecosystems, ensuring efficient allocation and usage of funds.

Vision as a Delegate:

  • Financial Inclusion: Work towards making Etherfi’s services accessible and beneficial for users worldwide.
  • Informed Decisions: Ensure decisions are well-informed, pushing forward grants and proposals that enhance usability and accessibility.
  • Community Leadership: Represent the community’s interests, ensuring decisions reflect the collective vision and values.

I am eager to contribute to Etherfi’s success and help onboard the next billion users onto crypto.

Feel free to connect with me @!

Thank you for considering my application! :purple_heart:


I am a software engineer with extensive experience in blockchain solutions, specializing in cryptocurrency wallets. My expertise includes smart contract development, blockchain integration, and ensuring security and usability.

I aim to be a delegate to help drive the growth of I plan to use my technical skills to enhance the platform’s security, functionality, and user experience, fostering innovation and sustainable growth.

I have been active in various blockchain communities, contributing to open-source projects and offering technical insights.

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ACI - Aave Chan Initiative - Delegate ETHFI


Established in the dawn of 2023, the ACI stands as one of the driving force behind the Aave protocol. ACI amplifies your voice within the Aave DAO community and leads by example, catalyzing progress with a steadfast focus on results.

As the primary delegate of the Aave DAO, ACI is committed to action, not just words. ACI actively vote on proposals and, as service providers, wield the code to turn these ideas into tangible solutions, advancing the Aave ecosystem. As a service provider ACI runs programs focused on making governance contribution simple and easy. ACI also is active managers of tohe various programs for Aave DAO including the delegate grants program, Aave’s Frontier staking program and member of Aave’s Protocol Embassy (APE) promoting Aave’s interest throughout DeFi.


As the growth service provider for one of the most profitable DAO’s, ACI is committed to growing DeFi. We believe it is important to grow in a safe and controlled manner that maximizes the benefits of DeFi composability and community.

Community Engagement

ACI has experience managing governance processes for DAOs at the highest level. We believe in strong processes that protect the DAO and give clear instructions for all participants.

We actively participated, alongside with team, in onboarding weETH into several Aave Markets such as Mainnet, Arbitrum and Base. You can check all Forum proposals.

You can delegate ethfi to ACI at Agora


I have held various roles in the DeFi sector, including positions as a Decentralized Finance Product Analyst, Decentralized Finance Analyst, and Venture Analyst. My work has involved leading strategic research initiatives, managing substantial portfolios of crypto assets, developing business cases and quantitative models, and driving community engagement and growth. Key achievements include spearheading the launch of the Linity platform and enhancing compliance protocols and risk management processes.
I am passionate about becoming an Ether Fi delegate to actively contribute to the platform’s direction and ensure its continuous success and alignment with its core goal of decentralization. I envision contributing my time and general finance and operational expertise to provide impactful changes, such as pushing decentralization even further.
As an early supporter of Ether Fi, I sourced the project from the fundraising list and recognized its impressive vision despite its limited funding. My commitment to the project was demonstrated by organizing a Twitter space where the founder spoke to our community, showcasing my dedication and belief in Ether Fi. Additionally, I have been actively involved in the broader DeFi community through my roles at ICEO Venture Studio and Kudy Financials, enhancing community engagement and building strategic partnerships.
I am an excellent generalist, able to adapt and work in various roles, which is a key skill in the ever-evolving web3 landscape that requires quick thinking. I take responsibility for my work and ensure accountability is at the forefront of all business dealings, fostering a culture of trust and transparency.
My experience sourcing the Ether Fi project early on and facilitating its exposure to our community demonstrates my ability to identify and support promising projects. This involvement has allowed me to build a solid foundation of knowledge and connections within the Ether Fi ecosystem.
As a builder of my own product, Settley, becoming a delegate at Ether Fi will provide valuable insights into expanding my community and furthering my contributions to the decentralized finance space.
You can view my profile here and find me on Twitter @SenatorT__

That’s great. Kairos research will follow

Hello Community,

I’m Euphoria and I’m excited to apply as a delegate for the protocol.

Here’s why I believe I can contribute effectively -

Some background about me -

  • I’m a Silver Medalist Management post-graduate from a reputed Business School.
  • Since then I have effectively contributed to Web3 and blockchain for a year and continuing.
  • I’m an Active participant in Arbitrum DAO and governance.
  • Regular attendee of community and governance calls shows I dedicate my time to participating in governance.
  • In-depth knowledge of Arbitrum DAO and its ongoing programs.

My Vision as a delegate is as follows -

  • I’ll help make Etherfi’s governance accessible.
  • I’ll support active dialogue for proposals and contribute to boosting the protocol’s growth and user adoption.
  • I’ll bring my experience from other DAOs to improve Etherfi’s governance.

Community Engagement -

  • As I said I’m an active member of the Arbitrum community, I have visited the Arbitrum forum for more than 200 days with a read time of more than 2 days which shows my dedication to staying updated and participating in governance.
  • I participate in discussions and share insights on forum threads.
  • I also engage with fellow community members to understand their needs and concerns to make the protocol better.

What makes me a Good Delegate -

  • I’ll dedicate my time to thoughtful decision-making in governance and on proposals.
  • I’ve a solid grasp of DeFi concepts and trends which makes me more suitable for being a delegate.
  • I’m committed to clear and open communication.
  • I’m familiar with governance tools like Snapshot, Agora, Tally and Discourse(Forum).

I’m eager to help Etherfi grow and succeed. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me on the forum or social media.

Thank you for considering my application!

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Key Info

  • Delegate Address: aretagov.eth
  • Twitter: areta_io
  • Website:
  • Lead Delegates: Bernard Schmid and Siddharth Shah
  • Telegram: bmitte and explorandoahora

Please delegate to us on: 0x8b37a5Af68D315cf5A64097D96621F64b5502a22


Areta Governance specializes in helping foundations and DAOs establish and grow decentralized governance structures. We develop tailored solutions in governance inception and optimization, ecosystem growth, and service provider selection. Our connected investment bank with deep strategic expertise, enables us to serve our partners holistically, rather than working in isolated governance silos.

We have had the privilege to work for some of the leading companies and DAOs in the crypto space. Examples of our work include leading the first cross-ecosystem growth initiative for Uniswap and Arbitrum, creating a streamlined approach for the procurement of service providers for the Arbitrum DAO, the first acquisition of Coingecko, or the sale of Solscan to Etherscan.

Having collaborated with industry leaders, Areta’s governance team offer a range of specialized services designed to support protocols and institutions in achieving their strategic goals, including:

  1. Governance Inception: Set up key governance elements and structure, and build out tailored functions depending on ecosystem needs.
  2. Governance Optimization: Set up, diagnose, and enhance processes, and procure service providers.
  3. Ecosystem Growth: Create grant and contributor programs with reporting and tracking, and access strategic, institutional, and investor networks for growth.
  4. DAO-Native Transactions: Provide DAO investment banking, M&A, and wind-down services, and facilitate institutional token launches.
  5. Professional Delegation: Offer professional voting and governance services, and create institutional-grade reporting material.

As DAOs emerge from their infancy, their structures have proven powerful tools for enabling decentralisation and autonomy. However, they often encounter challenges in maintaining the organisation, highlighted by governance issues such as contributor onboarding and delegate overload. This scenario has highlighted areas where DAOs can improve in establishing structured processes for better collaboration and are open to further strengthening against inefficiencies.

Recognising the need for evolution, we focus on excellent DAO participation with robust, defensible analysis of proposals through a structured voting process while simultaneously applying our deep institutional knowledge and strategic governance expertise to offer proactive DAO governance solutions aimed at nurturing the ecosystem for the long term.

Our Experience

At Areta, we are eager and equipped to tackle the most difficult challenges in governance, even when those issues are multifaceted. Our key task with Areta is to set-up and steer these strategic governance systems to enable the members of the DAO to work towards commonly aligned goals, so that ecosystems can grow organically.

Select Experiences

  1. Uniswap-Arbitrum Grant Program: Launch of Cross-Ecosystem Growth Initiative for Uniswap and Arbitrum.
  2. Contributor Efficiency System: Development of Safe DAO Contributor Efficiency System.
  3. Services Procurement Framework: Management of Service Provider Selection and RFPs for Arbitrum.
  4. Aave Delegate: Incentivized Delegates for the Aave DAO.
  5. Operations Trustee: Trustee to dYdX’s Operations Trust.

Delegate Statement (why you should delegate to us)

First and foremost, Areta’s key tenets as delegates are as follows:

  • We will aim for 100% voting participation - we are deeply invested in the ecosystem and our goal is to meaningfully support its direction via thoughtful, educated governance decisions.
  • We always commit to voting independently and impartially.
  • We will open source our rationale through frequent updates to this thread, which will act to anchor our thinking and make ourselves accountable to the wider Etherfi community.

We will achieve these tenets through our four unique sources of value:

Structured & Streamlined Voting Process

  • Our team lead adds new proposals to a shared tracker and assigns each incoming proposal to a specific member of the team.
  • For each proposal, we prepare a standard memo summarising the key issues, the black and white hat case (pros and cons), and a recommended decision with accompanying rationale.
  • Each proposal is then peer reviewed by another team member.
  • For complex proposals that require more discussion, we involve more members of the team as necessary to form a joint opinion.
  • We then publish our voting rationale externally on our public forum.

We always try to base our votes on sound, defensible rationale so that we are internally consistent and our voting track record stands up to external critique.

Ecosystem Growth and Expansion to Institutions

Leveraging the Areta network to promote and foster flourishing ecosystems across DAOs. Bringing unprecedented ties to a deep traditional network of corporates, strategics, and investors.

Governance Optimisation

Utilising our expertise to diagnose, analyse, correct, and enhance the effectiveness of DAO governance, ensuring streamlined operations and decision-making, while building up accountability structures.


In our role as delegates, we are committed to investing our time and resources to foster the development and growth of Etherfi. We will lean into our global network, business insights, and entrepreneurial mindset to generate value for Etherfi token holders, and in doing so, look to influence the evolution of business in Web3.

Conflicts of Interest

Areta currently does not have any material conflicts of interest. We agree to keep the Etherfi community updated should any conflicts of interest arise.

Waiver of Liability

By delegating to Areta, you acknowledge and agree that Areta will participate on a best efforts basis and will not be liable for any form of damages related to participation in Etherfi or this DAO.