
Our journey began as a next-gen liquid staking protocol, but that is not where our ultimate ambition ends.

We believe decentralized, non-custodial staking is an essential and foundational good for Ethereum. There is a need for a variety of solutions that serve many types of users and purposes.

Our long term goal is to help onboard the next billion users onto crypto. We want to make DeFi easy, safe and transparent for normal people.

To support this, will operate as a decentralized system under DAO governance. This represents a major shift in the development of financial services, and shifts in the power dynamic away from rent-seeing institutions in favor of users.

The Foundation exists to oversee and carry out the decisions of the ETHFI token holders, and to steward the treasury and protocol. Key Foundation decisions will be made with token holder input. The Foundation will be accountable, and will provide regular transparency reports, to the token holders. The Foundation will be governed by its constitutional documents, which will be shared in a subsequent post.

The governance token ETHFI gives community members a direct mechanism to contribute to the protocol and influence the growth of the ecosystem. ETHFI token holders will have the opportunity to meaningfully participate in key decisions, such as:

  • The Grants Program, which will launch to support the long term growth of the ecosystem.
  • Protocol longevity, vision, and key economic parameters, such as protocol fees, controller, contract and various other protocol upgrades.
  • Software developer contributor permissions and green-lighting of node operators that run ETH nodes on behalf of the protocol.
  • Token staking, to earn additional incentives by providing permissionless staking services (such as running an Ethereum node).
  • Treasury diversification activities.

Governance Roadmap

  • Phase 0 Initiate token and voters
    On March 18th, we’re launching the token and initiating the voter base.

  • Phase 1 Full governance deployment
    Over the next months, we’ll be bringing voters into more parts of’s governance by fully deploying a governor and granting access to’s protocol and treasury

  • Phase 2 Community stewardship
    Over the next years,’s team and the community will collaborate in steering the protocol.

  • Phase 3 Full Ossification
    In the long run, we’ll work on fully automating and ossifying governance function so that can stand the test of time and last as an immutable protocol underpinning Ethereum’s staking


Are new joiners allowed to participate in the season 3 without having participated in season 1 and 2? Thanks very much.


They are! Welcome to the community ser :handshake:


Is it possible to get more information about the staking contract for ETHFI? Why no lock period?


Please find documentation for staked ETHFI here - ETHFI Staking |