AVS Onboarding Form v0


Chaos Labs presents this AVS onboarding template as an initial step in our strategic partnership with the community. The form is meticulously designed to gather all pertinent information required for comprehensive risk analysis and reporting to the DAO on AVSs applying for an allocation from We encourage new AVS partners applying for an allocation from to use this template when presenting themselves to the community.


As and the restaking ecosystem continue to grow, it will be crucial to analyze the specific risks introduced when making effective AVS allocation decisions. This requires standardizing the onboarding process to ensure all relevant information is publicly available. Clear standardized disclosures will empower the community to appraise the specific risk and reward characteristics of each AVS applying for an allocation from


Section 1: AVS Applicant Information

Project Name: [Enter Project Name]

Project Description: [Enter Project Description (1-3 sentences)]

Team Members and Qualifications: [List team members and their qualifications, roles, and responsibilities]

Project Links: [Enter Any Relevant Project Links (website, demo, github, twitter, etc.]

Contact Information

Contact Person: [Name]

TG: [Telegram]

Twitter: [Project Twitter Handle]

Section 2: AVS Commercial Terms

Tokens Accepted as Security: [Enter the tokens accepted as security on the AVS as well as any restrictions, etc.]

Minimum Security Requested from [Enter the minimum amount of security requested including the token/current denomination]

Maximum Security Requested from [Enter the maximum amount of security requested including the token/current denomination]

Attributed Security Required: [Enter the amount of security required solely staked to your AVS]

Details of Slashing Conditions: [Enter the proposed framework for slashing operators]

Fixed Compensation for security: [Enter the proposed fixed reward conditions in terms of APR or tokens and the token they will be paid in]

Variable Reward Component: [Enter the terms of any variable reward component (e.g. revenue share, etc.) if applicable]

Time Commitment: [What is the duration of this AVS security agreement]

Node Operator Restrictions: [Describe any restrictions on node operator behavior such as maximum AVS’s operated, minimum number of operators, etc.]

Section 3: AVS Technical and Risk Details

Does your AVS support the usage of contract based operators: [Yes/No]

If so is your solution compatible with EIP-1271: [Yes/No]

Committed Operators: [List the operators that have committed to validate your AVS when live]

If your AVS involves operations on multiple chains, do you require the operator to have an identical address on each chain: [Yes/No]

Hardware Requirements: [Describe the requirements to run a fully validating node]

Section 4: AVS Compensation Token Details

When was the token issued: [Date/expected date of token launch]

What is the token vesting schedule: [Describe the token vesting schedule]

Special Considerations

The restaking landscape is in the early stages of its development. As this novel category evolves, this application form should be updated to ensure that the community continues to have the appropriate information to make sound allocation decisions.


This is a fantastic, detailed template - thank you to Chaos Labs for bringing this forward!

This will be incredibly helpful for the community to holistically assess the various AVS that EtherFi may or may not end up onboarding in the future.


This will definitely help new projects to be better seen.

Great Initiative!

Working on a project as we speak.
Looking forward to sharing it with you guys in a fee weeks! :slight_smile:


I simply think this is wonderful. It gives us investors more security. Happy to have the opportunity to participate and also give my opinion!


I think it’s a nice initiative expanding ETHERFI growth horizon

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