+approve buyback and pools
I support the buyback and liquidity pool ideas, looking forward to future discussions regarding the long-term plan regarding the strategies for building further on chain liquidity.
I support this proposal
Continue to earn our trust
guys, thats very nice!
I agree with the proposal
let’s propose 25% buyback. 5% is nothing to that much income. How to do that?
I support buyback. However, the amount should be equal to 20% of the income. At the same time, it should be burned, not for the pool. Thus, a deflationary system is formed.
i personally agree, itll boost ETHFI revenue long term.
Totally Approve the Buyback and Pool
thats good revenue.I agree with that
Yes! That would be nice!
I agree, I will boost ETHFI revenue long term.
Yes, I think is nice
hello, im new. can someone tell me how do i vote?
i personally agree, itll boost ETHFI revenue long term.
I agree. I am for the proposal.